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Facts & Figures

2023-2024 School Culture Survey Highlights


84% of students believe they are safe in their classrooms.

89% of families believe their child is treated equitably regardless his/her race, culture, religious, sexual orientation, gender, or special needs.

95% of staff believe their work positively supports D2.

Improvement Opportunities

  • 44% of students believe their peers are able to work out disagreements with other students.
  • 68% of families have been informed when their child does something good at school.
  • 66% of instructional staff believe they have the training they need to affectively manage student's behavior.

Next Steps

  • In second semester, Sierra High School will utilize students enrolled in Peer Mediation to lead restorative / connection circles to resolve conflicts while building school community.
  • Sierra High School will run an attitude of gratitude campaign where teachers intentionally reach out to students and families to recognize, praise, or build upon the things our students do well.
  • Sierra High School will lead staff through intentional professional development during our February PD Day to coach staff on responses that address high flying classroom behaviors.