Facts & Figures
2024-2025 School Culture Survey Highlights
85% of students reported that their teachers help them improve on their schoolwork which is up 6% from the previous year.
On questions related to equitable practices at Sierra High School, families agreed or strongly agreed at a 93% average which is up 7% from the previous year.
100% of staff believe their work positively supports D2.
Improvement Opportunities
- 52% of students responded that they are able to work out disagreements with other students.
- 55% of families responded that they have been informed when their child does something positive at school.
- 71% of instructional staff stated their stress level at work was manageable.
Next Steps
- Sierra's Peer Mediation class has created a QR code that will be placed around the school for students to scan and request a restorative circle led by a student peer mediator.
- Moving forward in second semester, teachers will set up Google Voice accounts and will make one positive phone call per week to families. In February, departments will compete in a positive phone call blitz.
- Administration will identify key areas of staff stress to address within specific departments. Administration will also provide monthly AI tips to help ease teacher workload.